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Faith Gen Retreat-1219 (Original)
Faith Gen Retreat-1199 (Original)
Faith Gen Retreat-1138 (Original)
Faith Gen Retreat-654 (Original)
Faith Gen Retreat-705 (Original)
Faith Gen Retreat-795 (Original)
Faith Gen Retreat-798 (Original)
Faith Gen Retreat-278 (Original)
Faith Gen Retreat-422 (Original)
Faith Gen 059_resized
Faith Gen 043_resized

We are more than just a ministry, we are a family of Christ's disciples growing together in the Lord through the ministry of the Word and of the Spirit. Holding forth to all men everywhere the Word of life, showing them the WAY; who is Christ Jesus, and teaching them how to walk in Him to experience rest for their souls. 

We seek to raise a Faith Generation; a people who understand the reality of the new life in Christ Jesus, the Spirit Life, and are by faith journeying on towards the mark of the high calling in Him.

"A seed shall serve him; it shall be accounted to the Lord for a generation" Psalm 22:30

The above scripture was a prophecy concerning Christ and the new creation in Him. The new creation (believers) are the seed of Christ that serves the Father by the righteousness of faith and are reckoned by Him as His generation (belonging to Him). This generation of people is the chosen generation set apart to display His virtues and perfections (1 Peter 2:9). This chosen generation is also the Faith Generation, so called because they are those who by faith in Christ have entered the promise of His rest. We are that faith generation, offsprings of Christ Himself who walk in the WAY of the Lord. 


In all things, we seek that Christ will be glorified in our lives and the believer edified (built up and matured) through the proper teaching of the Word of God. 

1. It is not God's will for any man to perish, but all should come to repentance (that is believe in Christ Jesus unto eternal life). His desire is to see men saved, so we preach the good news of the gospel to all men everywhere.   2 Peter 3:9,


2. Without Christ man will perish forever, but with Christ man shall live forever in the presence of God. Hence the urgency and need to preach the good news of Christ Revelations 20:15.


3. The only way for a man to be saved is to believe on the Lord Jesus in His heart and confess Him with His mouth. Romans 10:9-10 ,


4. There is only one God - YHWH, eternally co-existent in three persons, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. And that Jesus is God manifest in the flesh. 1 John 5:17, 1 Timothy 3:16 ,


5. There is one Church - the body of Christ, of which each believer in the world is a member in particular.

1 Cor 12:27,


6. The baptism of the Holy Spirit is the born-again experience and this happens when a man receives Christ Jesus by faith. He is now a new creation in Christ Jesus. 1 Corinthians 12:13, 2 Corinthians 5:17 ,


7. In the resurrection of the saints and the eternal judgement of mankind.

1 Thessalonians 4:17, Revelations 20:12

We believe
Who We Are
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