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Love . Commitment . Joy

Family Focus

Dealing with in-laws

Dealing with in-laws
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Dealing with in-laws

Dealing with in-laws

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Lessons learned 7 years in

Lessons learned 7 years in

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Before You Say I do

Love is a beautiful thing and settling down with the one you believe is the love of your life is the right thing to do. However before you do, here are a few things to think through before you say I do.

1. Is the person a Christian? 

        As a believer the first requirement for marriage is to make sure your would be spouse is also believer. One who shares your precious faith in the Lord Jesus and is submitted to the Lordship of Christ and the authority of the Word of God. This is so important and cannot be overemphasized. 


Committed Love

Far from the sensual, selfish and frivolous portrayal of love we see in our culture by the media, true love is purposeful . At its root is an enduring commitment which manifests in fruits of joy, peace, long-suffering,  respect and understanding. 

Sacred Union

Marriage is a sacred union sanctioned by God between a man and a woman. It is His idea and not mans. It is His institution designed to be a reflection of the union of His Son, Christ Jesus (the bridegroom) and His church (the bride). 

Godly Seed

The task of raising the next generation is a sacred responsibility and glorious privilege. As believing parents, children are a godly seed appointed unto us by God, who we must cherish, love and nurture in the fear of the Lord.

Restored Hope

Are you at the point of giving up on your marriage? Do you feel you are hurt beyond forgiveness? Beloved, there is hope in our Lord, through whose wisdom and power, healing and hope is possible. 

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