Christ glorified, the believer edified...
Before You Say I do
Love is a beautiful thing and settling down with the one you believe is the love of your life is the right thing to do. However before you do, here are a few things to think through before you say I do.
1. Is the person a Christian?
As a believer the first requirement for marriage is to make sure your would be spouse is also believer. One who shares your precious faith in the Lord Jesus and is submitted to the Lordship of Christ and the authority of the Word of God. This is so important and cannot be overemphasized. Remember "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?" 2 Cor 6:14. If your faith is important to you (which it should) then you need someone you agree with on this fundamental level of faith.
2. Do you forgive easily?
Forgiveness by way of showing mercy and being gentle towards the mistakes and faults of others is the fundamental determiner of the future of any relationship and it is especially of the marriage union. Your marriage will have no future if you both cannot forgive and not dwell on the faults of each other. Do you both forgive each other easily? Are both of you willing to let go when you are hurt by each other? This is not just for the other person but for you as well. Humbly consider this in the light of scripture and allow the HolySpirit to work on your heart.
3. Do you take the easy road?
Marriage is not a destination, it is a journey, a journey full of uncertainties and trials. Make no mistake, there will be bumps on this journey. However you have the promise and comfort of the Word of God that He will be with you through it all. You need to ask yourself, during tough times, do I take the easy road out? and is my would be partner the same too? If any of you are then be sure you would not go far in this journey. This is an important evaluation to make. Are you both committed to make things work through thick and thin with no option of anticipating opting out in troubling times?
4. How well do you communicate?
Communication is key to building intimacy in any relationship. How well do you two communicate? Is your communication one-sided?, that is, always initiated by one person in the union? Do you find it hard getting through to each other? These are good questions to think about and work on. Learning to build respectful, fun and easy communication between you two is necessary for a fulfilling marriage union. It is also the channel through which you get to know and understand the other person. Without healthy communication you two can easily become roommates instead of a married couple.
5. Why are you getting married?
The reason behind your decision to marry will be tested during your union. It will determine how you handle hard times when it comes during your marriage journey. It will decide whether the marriage is worth fighting for each day or not. For example some marry because they want children. After they have children, their goal has been achieved and nothing else has value to them anymore in the marriage. It is important to marry for the right reasons,to know that you are entering into this sacred union of marriage not for selfish reasons but to serve each other and fulfill the plan of God for your lives together. That you are willing to sacrifice and lay down your life for your spouse if you are the man and to submit to the authority of our husband if you are a woman.
Singleness and Wholeness
One of the misconceptions that drives the desperation of some singles to get married is "I need marriage to be complete". Let's debunk that thinking now. You do not need marriage nor anyone or anything in this life to be complete. As a believer your completeness is found in CHRIST alone ("And you are complete in Him..." Colossians 2:10). God's plan for you in your singleness is to be whole, allowing the HolySpirit through the Word of God to mature you into Christ-likeness in every facet of your life. A place where you are content and confident in Christ. This is very important as it is a necessary stage of development before you take that committed step of entering into a marriage union.
Dealing with Loneliness
In a culture where everyone craves to be accepted, it is very easy to become a victim of loneliness when you feel you do not fit it. This is a real issue that has led to depression and in some cases become the unfortunate cause of suicide. As a believer, the truth of God's Word is the key to overcoming loneliness in your life. Firstly, you should understand that this world is not your home, you are a stranger and a pilgrim passing through ("Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims in this world..." 1 Peter 2:11). You may not fit in because of your stance for Christ and the gospel and may suffer rejection because of that. If this is the cause of your loneliness then rejoice, don't feel depressed and try to compromise your faith in order to fit into the world around you.