Christ glorified, the believer edified...
Singleness and Wholeness
One of the misconceptions that drives the desperation of some singles to get married is "I need marriage to be complete". Let's debunk that thinking now. You do not need marriage nor anyone or anything in this life to be complete. As a believer your completeness is found in CHRIST alone ("And you are complete in Him..." Colossians 2:10). God's plan for you in your singleness is to be whole, allowing the HolySpirit through the Word of God to mature you into Christ-likeness in every facet of your life. A place where you are content and confident in Christ. This is very important as it is a necessary stage of development before you take that committed step of entering into a marriage union.
God wants you whole spiritually (most importantly). He wants you to be a blessing to yourself and whoever you enter into a marital union with. Therefore do not see your singleness as a "disease" and allow the pressures around you to drive you into relationships that might impact you negatively in the end. In a marital union, you can only contribute who you are, what you are and what you have. Your singleness therefore is the time to build yourself. Develop your person in the Word of God and establish foundations in your own life that gives you stability. In addition you must find joy in your walk with the Lord and be satisfied in Him. This is so important because you will not end up depending on another for your joy and fulfillment. You would contribute your pleasant personality and wellspring of joy to every relationship you enter into.
Your singleness is not a curse, neither is it a disease. Find yourself in Christ and be content in Him before taking the vital step of becoming united with another in holy matrimony. Remember, as a believer, you are loved by Father. Rest in His love. Shalom.